The stained glasses by GOOTI  possess shape and color all the time, offering different visual experiences throughout the day. We believe that the main and unique attraction of the stained glass is based on the chemistry between glass and light.

At Gooti, stained glass and melted glass works are created through a process that has been developed and refined for  the last 15 years by artists Tudor and Ana Badita, licensed in the arts at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in Iasi. We have developed unique artistic techniques and ways of fusing highlighted glass and successively burned painting.

Glass staining and melting (with or without glass-added components) are done at temperatures that exceed the   exactly melting point of the glass, which makes the individual components blend into a unified piece.

Our stained glass windows are individual works of art that are substantially or entirely made of glass. Stained glass projects are made in harmony with the environment and architecture for historic or modern buildings in an ecclesiastical or secular context.

Our vision is to promote good taste, artistic values, innovation and creativity, to be unique in what you do.

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